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  3. Packages, Deposits, & Gift Cards

How do I create a promotional package for unit or syringe products

We'll walk you through creating a package for unit or syringe products, and how to find the purchased packages in the client's Moxie Wallet.

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Creating a package

Overview of the online purchase process

How to locate Wallet Credits for purchased packages

How to exchange product credits (e.g., Botox for Dysport)

Loom video

Generic promo code package Loom video

Creating a package

1. Log in to your account using this link.

2. Within the Global Nav, click Services & Products > Packages, deposits, and gift cards

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3. On the next page click the Create a package button. 

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4. Enter the name of your promotional package. For a deal on units or syringes, put those details in the Package Name text box. For example, "Buy 100 units of Botox, get 25 free". Then click Next to continue.

Important - If you want your package available for purchase on your online shop, make sure the checkbox is checked!

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5. Select the Service Product you are selling in your package. This should be the by unit or by syringe service product. After making your selection click Next
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6. Enter the total units or syringes that the purchaser will receive with this package. Then click Next

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7. Set the discounted Package Price for the package. For example, if you are selling 125 units for the price of 100 units, and your unit price is $14, the Package Price would be $1,400. Once you are happy with your package details, click Add in the top right corner. 

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Your package is now live!

Now, let's quickly take a look at how the purchaser will buy the package from your online store. 

1. When the purchaser arrives at your online store, they should see your package on the home screen. They will be able to click the Add to cart button to add multiple packages or gift cards.

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2. After they add all of the desired packages or gift cards. They will be given the option to either Buy for myself or Buy as a gift. In this example, we will run through Buy for myself

✏️ Note - Buying as a gift is very similar! The only important distinction is that they will enter contact details for the gift recipient. The email of the recipient is where the Moxie Wallet Credits will live. To buy as a gift they will check off the Buy as gift option in their cart.

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3. The purchaser will now be prompted to enter CC details and Contact information. The email address they enter is very important! It is where the Moxie Wallet Credits will be applied. 

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4. Once the purchase goes through, the Moxie Wallet Credits will be available in Moxie Suite.

How to locate Wallet Credits for purchased packages

1. Within the Global Nav click Clients.
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2. Search for the email address associated with the package purchase. When you find it, click into the client card.

    • If the purchaser bought the package for themselves, this will be the email they entered on the checkout page.

    • If the purchaser bought the package as a gift, this will be the email of the recipient.

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3. On the contact profile, click on the Wallet tab.

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4. Once on the Wallet, you will see the package credits available. 

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How to exchange product credits (e.g., Botox for Dysport)

1. To add the new product, click the Add button, next to Service Products

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2. Search or scroll to find the new product then select it. 

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3. Enter the equivalent amount of units or syringes. Click Save.

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4. You'll be prompted to add a Wallet memo note. We recommend doing this so you can easily see how the credit was added to the client's wallet.

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5. Delete the original product associated with the package. and add your Wallet memo note. 

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Ta da!  You're all done. 

Watch the video below on how to create promo packages for unit or syringe products.


✏️ Note - The videos below were created before our navigational updates. The only change is that you will now click on Services & Products in the Global Nav instead of More.


Alternatively, watch the video below on how to create a generic promo code package.