How do I request a service protocol?

This article reviews how to request a service protocol in Moxie Suite.

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Navigating to service protocols 

Requesting a service protocol and standing order

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Navigating to service protocols 

1. Log in to your Moxie Suite account using this link.

2. Within the Global Nav click  Settings > Clinical DocumentsScreenshot 2024-06-25 at 7.57.41 AM


3. On the Clinical Documents page, click on  Service Protocols

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Requesting a service protocol and standing order

4. On the Service Protocols page you'll see two tabs:

    • Current - a list of all active protocols.
    • Archived - a list of all non-active protocols. 

To create a new service protocol click on the  purple Add service protocols button.

❗Important - Only provider owners can view protocols for all providers and add service protocols, while others can only view their own protocols.


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5. on the Select Service Protocols page select all of the services you'd like to create a protocol for then click on the purple Next button in the top right corner. 

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6. Within the Set Service Providers page select every provider you'd like to create a service protocol for. Then click on the Purple Create button, you'll be prompted to confirm. Select Yes, continue to proceed.  

✏️ Note - A service protocol and standing order will be created for each selected provider and service. In the example below this would create a total of 4 documents; 2 service protocols and 2 standing orders. 


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7. After creating a service protocol you'll be brought back to the Service Protocols page. If you're the provider on the service protocol please sign the protocol right away. You can do so by clicking on the purple Review and Sign button. 

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8. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

    • If you, as the provider owner, create a document for another provider at your medspa, they will get an email alert and can sign the document either from their email or directly in Moxie Suite.
    • MD's are also notified by email about their signature request.
    • The protocol will not be active until all signatures have been added. 

Ta da 🎉! You've created a new service protocol. 


💡 Tip -  After creating a new service protocol, follow this article to complete the signature process.

Watch the video walkthrough below on how to create a service protocol in Moxie Suite.