How Do I Manually Adjust Inventory?

Need to manually adjust your product inventory? This article will walk you through that process.

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Navigating to modify inventory

Adding product to inventory

Removing product from inventory

Adjusting total

Loom Video


Navigating to modify inventory

1. Log in to your Moxie Suite account using this link.

2. Once logged in, click Inventory within the Global Nav

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3. After navigating to the Inventory page, you'll see a list of your service products.

Important Only service products that have been toggled on within your Official Offerings and that we are currently offering inventory for will be displayed. 

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4. To manually modify inventory, first click on the specific service product you wish to adjust.

Screenshot 2024-03-14 at 10.01.23 AM

5. On the next page, click Modify inventory

Screenshot 2024-03-14 at 10.03.00 AM

6. You'll see a new menu appear with the following options:

    • Add unit
    • Remove unit
    • Adjust total

We'll go more in depth on each option below. 

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Adding product to inventory

1. After reaching the Modify inventory menu, click on Add unitNext (see previous section for steps)

2. Select the lot number from the drop-down menu, the number of units to add, and enter the reason for manual entry. After click Submit

Screenshot 2024-03-14 at 10.13.58 AM

Important - Add in terms of the measurement unit. In our Daxxify example, we are adding total units, not the total number of vials, i.e., 100 units and not 1 vial. 


3. The number of units - in the case of our Daxxify example - will be automatically added and an entry made to the Transactions tab. 

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Removing products from inventory

1. After reaching the Modify inventory menu, click on Remove unitNext (see previous section for steps)

2. Select the lot number from the drop-down menu, the number of units to remove, and enter the reason for manual removal. After click Submit

Important - Remove product in terms of measurement unit. In our Daxxify example, we are removing units, not a total number of vials, i.e. 100 units and not 1 vial. 

Screenshot 2024-03-14 at 10.21.50 AM

3. The number of units - in the case of our Daxxify example - will be automatically removed and an entry made to the Transactions tab. 

Screenshot 2024-03-14 at 10.22.23 AM

Adjusting total

💡 Tip - Adjusting the overall total manually is rare. You should only be adjusting the overall inventory total when you are unsure which lot you are adding/removing from. 

1. After reaching the Modify inventory menu, click on Adjust totalNext (see previous section for steps)

2. Select the lot number from the drop down menu, number of units to remove, and enter the reason for manual removal. After click Submit

Screenshot 2024-03-14 at 10.27.18 AM

3. The number of units - in the case of our Daxxify example - will be automatically removed/added and an entry made to the Transactions tab. 

Screenshot 2024-03-14 at 10.29.23 AM

Ta da 💥 you've successfully added or removed product manually from inventory. 

Watch the video on how to manually modify inventory below