This article will walk you through where to view and modify all your client communications.
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Viewing and editing client communications
Viewing and editing client communications
1. Log in to your Moxie Suite account using this link.
2. Within Global Nav click Settings > Client Communications.
3. Once on the Client Communication page you'll be able to scroll to see various communications, if they are enabled, and edit the contents of the message. For the purposes of this article we will focus on the first two options On Booking and Appointment confirmation and reminder messaging.
4. To enable a specific option click on the toggle button in the right of the option name. It will then go from having a grey background to a purple background which indicates it is now on.
5. To edit the contents of your messaging scroll down to the message type - either E-mail or Text -and then click on the Add / Edit custom message button.
6. From here, click onto the text box > edit your message > click Save when done.
7. Some communication options include a time option on when a message should be sent. For example appointment reminders. For such options you'll see a drop down button you can click into.
8. After clicking into the dropdown you'll see a new popup with pre-defined options. Select one from the available options and then the purple Save button.
Ta-da 🎉! You've configured you're client communications for both emails and texts.
Watch the video walkthrough below on how to view and edit client communications on Moxie Suite.