This article will walk you through charging the credit card on file a no show/late cancellation fee
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When is a credit card required during booking?
How to charge a late cancellation fee
💡 Tip - Looking to update your cancellation policy? Follow along with this article.
Navigating to an appointment
1. Log in to your Moxie Suite account using this link.
2. Find the client with the scheduled appointment > click on the appointment card
When is a credit card required during booking?
A credit Card is required during booking only if the following is true:
- The provider has enabled their cancellation policy within Settings. Review this article for a full walkthrough on that process.
- Appointment was scheduled using the public booking linked
✏️ Note - While updating your cancellation policy will take effect immediately, it is not retroactive and will only impact future appointments.
A credit card is not required when a provider is scheduling the appointment in Moxie Suite.
❗Important - This could lead to a no show appointment with no credit card attached.
How to charge a no-show fee
1. On the Appointment Details page click the ellipses in the top right corner> Mark as no-show.
2. On the pop-up click yes to continue charging the client the no-show fee.
3. You'll receive a confirmation that the no-show fee has been charged.
How to charge a late cancellation fee
Has a client cancelled an appointment late or called to cancel an appointment after the late cancellation period has transpired? Use these steps to cancel the appointment and charge them the late cancellation fee.
Marking appointment as late canceled in Moxie Suite
1. On the Schedule page find the appointment the client is cancelling.
2. On the Appointment page click the ellipses in the top right corner> Mark as cancelled late
3. On the pop-up click Yes charge to continue charging the client the late cancellation fee or click Do not charge fee to waive it.
3. You'll receive a confirmation that the late cancellation fee has been charged.
Client late cancelled on the client portal
1. If a client cancels an appointment late on their portal they will be notified of the late cancellation fee and must agree to proceed with cancelling.
2. You'll receive an email from with the subject line Appointment Canceled. Just click the View Appointment Details button to go directly to the appointment.
3. On the Appointment details page click the ellipses > Charge late cancellation fee.
4. This will surface the same prompt as shown earlier in this article. Click Yes to charge them the fee.
Ta da 💫 you've successfully learned how to charge a no-show/late cancellation fee.
Watch the video below on how to charge a no-show/late cancellation fee