How to connect your Venmo account to Moxie PC account and accept payments

In this article we will go over the steps of connecting your Venmo account to your Moxie PC account to remain compliant.

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Finding PC account information

Setting up Venmo

Accepting Venmo payments

Important - The steps in this article are the process if you have a Moxie Balance account, otherwise you would get the account and routing number of your PC account or LLC account. 

The best practice is to connect to your PC account so the money flows into your PC account you can do this via a business account on Venmo if you choose.

While the information in this article is accurate to the best of our knowledge we are not lawyers or certified public accountants.

Tax laws vary based on individual situations, locations, and changing regulations.

For advice tailored to your specific circumstances or for detailed guidance on setting up your Venmo account, we recommend consulting with your accountant.

Finding PC account information

1. Log in to your Moxie Suite account using this link.

2. Within the Global Nav click Balance

Screenshot 2024-06-26 at 11.42.02 AM


3. On the Balance page click the View Account Info modal shown in the image. Screenshot 2024-06-26 at 11.45.37 AM


4. On the popup you'll find the account name, account number, and routing number. It looks like the following:

Screenshot 2024-04-23 at 3.02.08 PM

💡 Tip - Make note of your Routing and Account numbers, you'll need them in the next steps. 

Setting up Venmo

5. If you already have a personal profile on Venmo log into your account. If you are new to Venmo, start here and select Business.  

6. Click on Create a business profile link.

Screenshot 2024-05-03 at 3.02.05 PM

✏️ Tip - On the Venmo app? Go to the Me tab. Tap your name in the top left corner, then on Create a business profile


7. Follow Venmo's business creation steps. Here is their article on how to sign up for a business profile. 

Important - We recommend consulting your accountant for the best way to set up your Venmo account.


8. Find the + symbol next to Settings and click on it > Click Payment method

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9. On the Payment Methods page click on the + Add Bank or Card modal. 

Screenshot 2024-04-23 at 3.13.55 PM

10. On the Add bank or card page click on the Bank option. 

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11. On the following page select Add manually instead

Screenshot 2024-04-23 at 3.28.37 PM

12. On the following page enter the details of your Moxie Balance previously retrieved:

    • Routing number
    • Account Number
    • Confirm Account number
    • Click Save and continue

Screenshot 2024-04-23 at 3.29.48 PM

13. As mentioned on this page you’ll see two deposits and two withdrawals on your bank statement over the next three days, each $1 or less which Venmo does to verify the account. After verifying the account you'll be all set to receive Venmo payments. 

Accpeting Venmo payments

After you've successfully verified your Moxie PC account with Venmo you'll be ready to start accepting Venmo payments. 

14. On the Payment method page select Venmo > Continue

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15. On the following page after any tips are selected click Go to Venmo payment

Screenshot 2024-04-23 at 4.25.25 PM

16. Enter the amount that the client has sent through Venmo in the text box > Finalize payment

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❗Important - When a client wants to pay with Venmo ensure that they send the payment to your Venmo account linked to with your Moxie PC account. 

💡 Tip - When accpeting Venmo payments its important to use the Venmo checkout option. Selecting Venmo as the payment option allows for improved reporting. While not a Venmo integration, it functions like cash entry, enhancing breakdown and reporting capabilities for your convenience.