This article reviews how to upload completed policies and procedures documents to your Moxie Suite account.
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Navigating to clinical documents
Uploading signed P&P documents
✏️ Note - Don't have completed P&P documents? You can request one of Moxie's existing documents using the steps outlined in this article.
Navigating to clinical documents
1. Log in to your Moxie Suite account using this link.
2. Within the Global Nav click Settings > Clinical Documents.
3. On this page you'll click on either Service Protocols or Standing Orders, depending on which completed document you're looking to upload into Moxie Suite.
Uploading signed P&P documents
1. Once on the desired document page you'll click on the ellipses > Upload signed protocols (or standing order depending on the document type.)
2. On the pop up that appears click Yes, continue to proceed.
❗Important - Only protocols and standing orders signed by all required individuals are eligible for upload in Moxie Suite. Do not upload unsigned documents into moxie Suite.
3. To complete the upload you'll:
- Upload the completed service protocol or standing order form your computer
- Select the service type the document is for
- Add the date of the first signature
- Select the provider whose signature is on the file
- Click Save on the top right corner to finalize the upload.
4. The document will be uploaded into Moxie Suite and viewable under the appropriate page. To distinguish form documents requested through Moxie Suite you'll see the words Uploaded on any uploaded file.
5. You can view and/or archive uploaded files similar to those requested through Moxie Suite by clicking on the ellipses > View protocol or Archive protocol.
Watch this video on how to upload completed Policies and Procedures documents in Moxie Suite.