Reporting Adverse Reactions in Moxie

A step-by-step guide to reporting adverse reactions in Moxie Suite

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Reporting an adverse reaction

1. Log into your Moxie account using this link.

2. Within the Global Nav click on Schedule. Then find the appropriate appointment and click into it. 

Click on chandler muz…


3. On the appointment details page click the ellipses in the top right > Report Adverse Reaction

Click on dropdown trigger


Screenshot 2024-09-11 at 9.50.01 AM


4. You'll see a yellow box notifying you that your MD will receive an email along with their details. Right under that you'll see the report template and we'll go into each section in detail below. 


Important - In the event of an emergency, please contact your MD immediately and file a report to ensure proper documentation of the incident.

    • Incident report: A summary of the incident that occurred.

    • Progress note: Updates on the situation since the incident began.

    • Medical Professional Actions Taken: Describe any steps you have taken to address the adverse reaction (e.g., administering Hylenex to dissolve filler).

    • Body area: The location of the adverse reaction.

    • History of Adverse Events: Confirm if the client has a history of adverse reactions (Yes or No).

    • Does Patient request call from MD: Indicate whether the client would like a call from the MD (Yes or No).

    • Was product used in the appointment: If no product was used during the appointment, select no and proceed to the next section. If a product was used, select yes and please enter the product name and amount used.

    • Was a device used in the appointment: If no device was used, select no and finalize the report and send it. If a device was used, select yes and please provide the device name, serial number, any suspected equipment malfunctions, and batch number.

Click on Basic info *…

5. After filling out the report and verifying the entered information click on Save & send on the top right corner of the screen. 

Click on Save & send

6. You'll see a popup confirming the report was successfully created. At this point the MD will be emailed notifying them of the adverse reaction. 

Click on The adverse reaction has been created successfully!

Responding to and resolving reports

7. Once the report is submitted a new Adverse Reaction section will be added to the appointment detail screen. 

Click on Adverse Reaction: 09/11/2024


8. Click on Show more to view the report in its entirety. 

Click on Show more


9. This is were you will go collaborate with your MD adding notes and replying to each other until the incident is resolved. To add a note click on the Add a note button. 

Click on Add a note


10. On the next screen click into the text filed, add your note > click Add on the top right corner. 

Type enter text then hit Add.
Click on Add


✏️  Note - If you need to edit the note follow along with steps 11 - 13 otherwise skip to step 14.

11. Click on ellipses on the note you wish to edit.

Click on ellipses on the note you wish to edit.


12. Click on Edit.

Click on Edit.


13. Edit the note, then click Save. 

Edit the note.
When satisfied with the edit, click on Save.


14. You'll continue to add notes in your correspondence with your MD until the incident is resolved. Once the incident is resolved, go to the report and click on the ellipses > Mark as resolved

Click on dropdown trigger
Click on Mark as resolved


15. Click on Yes, resolve

Click on Mark AR report as resolved?…

Important - as shown in the above image the action of resolving an incident cannot be undone. Please be careful to not click Yes, resolve until ready.

Reviewing patient history of adverse reactions


16. One the client profile or within any appointment detail page for the client if they've ever had an adverse reaction in the past you'll notice a yellow exclamation next to the Appts tab. To view the report click on Appts


Click on Appts


17. Find the appointment with the yellow exclamation and click onto it to expand the appointment card. 

Click on 09/09/2024 • 12:00 pm - 12:30 pm (Europe/Warsaw)…


18. on the newly expanded appointment card scroll down to the Adverse Reaction section. Here you'll be able to review any historical adverse reaction reports and corresponding notes between yourself and MD. 

Click on Adverse Reaction: 09/10/2024


Watch this video on reporting adverse reaction reports in Moxie Suite.